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Hi there.

Welcome to the blog! We are everyday moms like you…who also happen to be some of the Pastors’ wives at Foothills Christian Church in San Diego. We’re following the call to share what the Lord has put on our hearts about motherhood, marriage, homeschool, and faith. We pray you are inspired and filled with His hope as you browse through these pages. Be blessed friends!

-In the Everyday Mom’s

| Courtney, Heather, Hannah, & Nitsa

He Works All Things for Good

He Works All Things for Good


 There is nothing like being forced into change.  Life is automatically slowing down for some of us.  Use this extra time with your kids to build memories, start new routines and connect in a deeper way. This could bring a change into your family you have been praying for.

o  Do family devotions

o  Pray with your kids

o  Livestream church on Sundays together 

o  You might even gather together to view the Acts Bible study our pastors are putting together this week!


Let’s teach our kids how to handle uncertain times:

  • Stay positive – at breakfast each of you say 5 things you are thankful for.

  • Pray for our government – at breakfast hold hands and pray for the government and every decision being made.  They rule over a people but God rules over all things. 

  • Trust in the Lord – God is not surprised by our circumstance He knows the beginning and the end. 

And remember, He works all things for His GOOD!


Family Meetings to Grow

Family Meetings to Grow

A BOOKLIST for the whole Family

A BOOKLIST for the whole Family